Then you have to ask yourself, are you even doing it the right way. Is this blog even going out there to anyone? Is anyone even interested in what I have to say? Well, I hope so. At least it makes me feel better to think that someone in cyberspace is reading my blogs.
Anyway, that is why there hasn't been any blog posts in awhile. I guess I became a little discouraged and exhausted from it all. I don't want to blog about just anything. I want to talk about things that are important, interesting and exciting.
So then it hit me, why not post something about my blogging frustration. I am sure I am not the only one who starts a blog excited to post and then slowly the excitement turns into a dull hiss. Then eventually it becomes a second job and the pressure of having to post when you can't think of anything to say. Then suddenly it becomes something you dread. I want to enjoy it, not dread it. So I decided to take the pressure off myself and blog when I feel like it.
I may not blog everyday or even once a week. But I promise you I will blog anytime something catches my eye, or sparks my interest. I also promise to be the best blogger I can be and learn new blogging tips to help my blog do better. SO BLOG ON!