As a child from the 80's I can tell you that there never will be anything fashion forward about wearing nerd glasses. I was hoping that I would make it through life without ever having to see another pair of these glasses again. Isn't that why contacts were invented? Why isn't laser eye surgery all the rage?
It's very interesting to see these young celebrities bringing back these glasses, which probably are not prescription. Are they trying to torture us with bad memories? I have enough bad memories of my teenage years without being reminded of them every time I turn on the TV. All I have to do is pull out my old junior high or high school yearbook to get a flashback of big glasses and bad hair.
Most of us from that era had at one time big glasses and we hated them. But they were our only option. Maybe that's the appeal for these celebrities. They are not forced to wear them and have many options to choose from when it comes to eye wear. They are wearing them to start a trend so there is no traumatic experience tied to them. I still to this day have nightmares about wearing those glasses, waking up in a cold sweat. I even have problems wearing sunglasses because just the feel of glasses sitting on my nose causes me anxiety.
Well I guess to each his own, if nerd glasses are your style then rock them out! But why not add some more flair? Tight roll your jeans, or get yourself some aqua-net and rat out those bangs!
Seriously though! Those glasses are not cute on anyone, no matter how much money you have! I really wish that they would stop bringing back the old styles, there is a reason why they went out of style in the first place! Let's keep them there!
Girls, I hate to say this, but I used to wear those enormous glasses.
ReplyDeleteI cringe when I see old pictures of me, but my children laugh and laugh. My husband tells me that I looked like a fly when he met me!